When you add photos your ad, they are then processed by our technicians in order to crop them, hide registration number plates, etc.
If the “IN PROGRESS” comment appears on your ad, this means that the photo moderation process has not been completed.
The photo validation and ad moderation processes are performed separately. This may mean that there is time gap between the publication of your ad and the validation of your photos.
However, if the “no photo” comment appears on your ad, this may mean that:
- your photo has not been downloaded properly and no photo has been added to your ad
- that format and file size restrictions have not been observed (JPG or PNG files, max. size of 5 Mo per photo). In that case we suggest you to easily reduce file size using https://www.jpeg.io or convert them to jpeg using https://www.convertio.co
- that it may have been deleted during the photo moderation process due to inadequate content or poor quality
Photos may be added or amended in your personal space in the “my sales” section at any time.